SUNSET BRW (VFC-Ukraine) Furniture

3 products

Furniture Sunset BRW

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    SUNSET BRW Furniture manufactured by the VFC-Ukraine factory is a modern set for the living room with convenient elongated handles. It is available in two colour options: "Sonoma Oak / Nymphea Alba" and "Nymphaea Alba / Tablila". Sold as a set consisting of a wide TV stand, a shelf, a hanging display case with lighting and a shelf, in addition to which you can purchase a stand with shelves. Made in the style of minimalism, the furniture Sunset BRW is ideal for any living room.

    3 products
      Фото стінки САНСЕТ БРВ нiмфея альба / табліла
      Фото наповнення стінки САНСЕТ БРВ нiмфея альба / табліла
      Wall Unit Furniture Set with LED Lights SUNSET BRW Nymphaea Alba / Tablila
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      270 x 200 x 40 cm
      9 870 ₴
      Фото тумби САНСЕТ БРВ KOM2D
      Фото наповнення тумби САНСЕТ БРВ KOM2D
      Cabinet SUNSET BRW KOM2D
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      105 x 87.5 x 39.5 cm
      3 040 ₴
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