OREGON BRW (VFC-Ukraine) Furniture

13 products

Furniture Oregon BRW

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    OREGON BRW Furniture manufactured by the VFC-Ukraine factory is a classic modular system in a modern design, intended for those who are looking for interesting ideas for their interior. It is made in expressive natural shades of "Arizona Pine / Bolzano Oak", which imitate natural wood and create a sense of harmony and coziness. It is characterized by a strong body and rounded corners of the table tops. Unusual square handles perfectly complement the powerful frames of convex facades. The furniture Oregon BRW allows you to create practical sets for the living room and bedroom.

    13 products
      Фото вітальні ОРЕГОН БРВ
      Living Room Furniture Set OREGON BRW
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      Sale price 19 490 ₴ Regular price 25 090 ₴ Save 5 600 ₴
      Фото спальні ОРЕГОН БРВ
      Bedroom Furniture Set OREGON BRW
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      Sale price 27 550 ₴ Regular price 34 110 ₴ Save 6 560 ₴
      Фото письмового столу ОРЕГОН БРВ BIU3S
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      130 x 77.5 x 64.5 cm
      Sale price 7 750 ₴ Regular price 10 600 ₴ Save 2 850 ₴
      Фото дзеркала ОРЕГОН БРВ LUS/90
      Mirror OREGON BRW LUS/90
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      90 x 80 x 2.5 cm
      Sale price 1 530 ₴ Regular price 2 300 ₴ Save 770 ₴
      Фото комоду ОРЕГОН БРВ KOM3S
      Chest of Drawers OREGON BRW KOM3S
      VMK (BRW Ukraine)
      90 x 87 x 40 cm
      Sale price 6 120 ₴ Regular price 8 080 ₴ Save 1 960 ₴
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