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Furniture Calvados Gerbor

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    CALVADOS Gerbor Furniture produced by the Ukrainian factory Gerbor is a modern modular living room set with very comfortable and roomy elements of optimal sizes. They are made of laminated chipboard in the colour "Tahoe Oak / Anthracite". They consist of a hanging pencil case, a TV stand and a shelf on which you can place decor and favorite souvenirs. Stylish long handles are used for opening. The compact furniture Calvados Gerbor will harmoniously complement any interior. Sold as a set.

    1 product
      Фото стінки КАЛЬВАДОС ГЕРБОР
      На фото ніша тумби ТВ стінки КАЛЬВАДОС ГЕРБОР
      Wall Unit Furniture Set CALVADOS GERBOR
      210 x 200 x 38 cm
      7 420 ₴
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